Monday, June 19

Chicago: day 6

Do I have to go already?
Walking around Lincoln Park with Reid yesterday, felt like I had been here forever. I guess it's because I have spent so much time here in the past, that Chicago is just a very comfortable place for me. It was the first place (I don't count the Grinnell bubble that was college) that I was living on my own, so perhaps that has a lot to do with it.

For those of you who were concerned about my enthusiasm for Chicago, I do miss Philly. It's just nice to revisit a place and find that it's just as great as before. At least I can acknowledge that while Chicago's great in the summer with all the street festivals and outdoor concerts, I am fully aware of the downsides of living here.

#1 Winter. That's a big one. Brrr! And it's not the fun, pretty kind you get up in Quebec.
#2 No ocean. Yeah, Lake Michigan, blah blah. Would you really go swimming in that? Granted, I have, but it takes a lot of hot weather and denial to willingly set foot in that muck. Besides, there aren't any waves. I'm talking above your knees. Storm-induced waves don't count!
#3 It's so big! The city, I mean. Literally, the buildings are huge! and the blocks are looong. 8 blocks here are a mile. 20 blocks in NYC are a mile. Dunno what it is in Philly, but I'm pretty sure it's similar to the scale of NYC.
#4 Cubs wingle game tickets were sold out the weekend they went on sale! And it's not even Cubs fans going to the game, as Reid put it. It's Wrigley fans. argh.

So in summary, yes, I will be on the plane back to Philly this afternoon. But the travel bug has bit me hard. So if anyone wants to take a weekend or overnight trip somewhere...

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