Sunday, May 14

Philly: month 6

There are no words for this weekend.


That’s close, but still nowhere near… I’m speechless… it takes a lot to make me speechless. But then a lot happened this weekend so it’s understandable. No, no it’s not understandable. It was totally incomprehensible. But I’ll try to give you a glimpse…

rainy Phillies game on the rooftop bleachers – yes I rode my bike
working and sunbathing in Penn Treaty park
a cycling pub crawl a la critical mass
Andy Wyeth and the Dad Vail Regatta
grog and fish stew with pirates in Burlington

…and now I’m listening to George Carlin from 1973 and pinching myself to make sure I didn’t just dream this all up. I probly did. Either way, it’s real enough to me and that’s all that counts. Isn’t life just one big dream anyways?

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