Sunday, November 27

SF: day 7

so there's been a bit of a lapse in updates, but there's a couple good reasons, namely that I haven't had easy internet access. but the main reason is that I'M HAVING TOO MUCH FUN!!!
SF is living up to all my expectations, except that it's ridiculously hard to find a grocery store or a cheap diner when you need one. good lord food's expensive here! but I really like the SFSU campus - it's only about a half hour walk from the ocean and a half hour train ride from downtown! it reminds me a bit of UH which is way cool. tropical atmosphere without the isolation of an island. score. plus I found a cool surf shop and their surfing season is fall and winter - looks like I'm gonna get out on the waves again in the next few days. only question is whether I can withstand the cold. at least I have an appropriate wetsuit. just need the hoodie and maybe some booties. hee hee.
only expectations that have not been met: the redwoods are so much smaller than I imagined! probably wasn't in the right spot.
it's nice and warm - in the 60s, although a bit windy. at least it's been sunny almost the whole time. my only complaint is that I have too few days left and so much yet to do! argh... guess I'll have to come back! darn?

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