Sunday, October 2

Philly: day 3

uh... Amy and I have done so much without really doing anything at all.
the zoo cost $18 so we went in the store and played with the stuffed animals. the museum was $8 but we've both been there before so we walked around the outside. the one thing we did do that was fun and novel for us was strolling the bars on South Street. found a good cheap one to play pool in and played doubles with two chill dudes.

we stumbled across the bar that John recommended - Tattoed Mom. the nachos we saw in there were nasty, pretty mixed crowd, but it had this depsondent air about it. we preferred Malokai's.

yesterday must have been wedding day cause we saw 3 bridal parties taking pictures around the museum and 2 bachelorette parties on South Street. this place is really something else. but we like it!

don't forget pink

and Amy's potential bike crash!!
it's sooo pink!

let me know when you get those pics up and running.
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